The History Of The Universe  Earth matured the quickest of the Planets, and was the first to actually make contact with another one. (Incedently, and to the astronauts great delight, it was Baboria) After that, Earth's techonolgy LEAPED for the next 48 years, then finally leveled out about 30 years ago. Earth formed "The Alliance", and because Earth had the most power, and was light years ahead of everyone else, no one disputed it. Then, 12 years ago, a man named Carnage killed an Alliance representative, and stole his ship, and his cargo. He became rich, and very outspoken. Carnage had plundered over 38 planets before the Alliance found out about it. It was too late. Hundreds of planets begin creating dangerous weapons that were illegal before - to protect themselves, and some, to also steal from other defenseless places. Before, the Alliance had always been able crush trouble makers like this, but now, it was impossible, over half the known world have reverted to mercanary tactics. Carnage was/is a master mind...He goaded many small planets into following him, or scared ships into paying him a tribute - it would not have been put up with, but Carnage had invented a very strange device...Many witnesses sweared that he could COMPLETLY DISABLE their ships without firing a single thing. He became stronger and stronger, and now, he is the strongest he has ever been. Virtually unstoppable, he dominates and destroys whoever is in his path who doesn't comply to his standards of living. Fear is the most deadly weapon of all. The Alliance tried many times to regroup, but was never successful, and everytime it fails, more people rebel. Some believe the known universe can be restored to peace, if the right man joins them, and becomes their spokesperson. Many also believe the first peace meeting would have to be held at a very special place.